Research shows that emotional intelligence plays crucial part for a workplace to be successful and flourishing. EI is the ability to recognize an emotional state – your own and that of others and choose an appropriate response both personal and proffessional life.
It enhances the ability to make the most appropriate choice about responding to others and taking appropriate action. In the workplace, Emotional Intelligence forms the basis of harmonious relationships leading to effective growth of organization.
Emotional Intelligence greatly impacts performances and business results.It has a powerful say on the style of leadership that creates the organizational climate. Organizational climate affects 30 – 40 % of business results.
40hours of intense training in how to lead people effectively. TLC adopts an innovative scientific approach to train participants in leadership skills. It develops the qualities needed to reach excellence in all areas of life. This program builds up the confidence in participants & makes them expand their comfort zone so as to include unexplored facets of life which are essential to reach true success and happiness in life.
This course makes the participants become friends with fear and use it to their advantage rather than the other way round. It gets them to shake off the inhibitions, and venture confidently in to key areas of life skills thereby opening the gateway to success.
The transformation that takes place as a result, benefits not only the participants but everyone around. A person filled with enthusiasm and passion is not only bound to produce extraordinary results but also becomes an inspiration – who can be looked upon as an ideal leader by all others.
VLC is one of the flagship program of Vwin academy which focuses on tangible results and sustained growth in all key areas of life, making the participants keep a continuous tryst with success.
T op professionals in any organization are those who go beyond what is expected of them and do more than what they get paid for. Such employees are bound to get promoted to management roles. Though it is an exciting step forward in their growth, their technical skills alone is no longer sufficient to excel in their new role.
VWIN academy's " First time manager" addresses the need to understand how the new role differs from that of an individual employee by bringing about a change in the mental outlook towards tasks, members of team and towards oneself.
It leads the participants to find their voice and understand the locus of control. They become better at performance planning, managing people, managing discipline and synergy at work and delegating effectively.
T eam – the ability to work effectively in a team and for the team is an important parameter that contributes to the success in professional and personal life. Success cannot be achieved on one's own, how so ever talented the individual might be. It is imperative for an individual to learn and apply the concepts of team building, to have a shot at success.
VWIN'S academy adopts a sequential approach towards team building that makes the workshop unique and result oriented. It moves gradually from the basic level of identifying personal mental barriers that affect team effectiveness to the top most level of resolving conflicts through active listening & responding.
The workshop is highly interactive and focuses on experiential learning. It is filled with activities, group dynamics, role plays, extempore situations that test the adaptability and activities based on togetherness.
Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. A key reason that they feel this way is that they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set themselves formal goals. After all, would you set out on a major journey with no real idea of your destination? Probably not!
Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life.
By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray
Goal setting is used by top-level athletes, successful business-people, top organizations and achievers in all fields. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life.
"S tress" is a word used extensively by people cutting across age, social status, income and country. Stress is not, as often perceived by many, necessarily something bad. The stress of exhilarating and successful work is beneficial to make it even better. Ask any athlete. They need stress, though under control, to give that extra ounce of energy that can win them the gold medal.
For successful people, it is all about managing stress and using it wisely to their advantage. For people who find it hard to win, always stress gets the better of them.
VWIN academy has designed and developed the stress management program in a scientific way with scientifically proven strategies for effectively managing stress
NLP Practitioner course - 10 days
NLP Master Practitioner course -10 days
NLP for professional success - 3 days
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. it's more on working on your own mind. NLP is the science of studying the patterns of excellence in the world's most successful people, recognizing the processes that produce their astonishing results
NLP is process that helps us to identify our behaviour, thinking patterns, emotions, intrapersonal communication, and rewrite the whole thing for achieving greater results and touching excellence in life.
NLP gives us step by step structure for fulfilling our goals and desires. It life lasting transformation which will stay throughout your life. We study how the brain works, how people think, feel, learn, motivate themselves, interact with others, make choices and achieve realistic goals.
NLP increases ability to change oneself in order to achieve desired results. Reading internal sub modalities from external cues.
All programs can be delivered as one or two days program according to the needs of clients.
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